Wednesday, April 21, 2010

look at her!

Well, look what my girl did today!!

I am so proud of her. If you know anything about this kid - you may know that not too long ago she would shake, scream & cry over bugs, butterflies, dogs (other than our own), swimming & lots of other things. We would have called her "fearful." All the reasoning in the world couldn't shake it.
And then she learned a Bible verse "do not fear for I am with you. do not be dismayed for I am your God & i will strenghthen you & help you & uphold you with My righteous right hand." My best bet is that she doesn't really know what all of that means. But she knew that it said, 'do not be afraid" & "I am with you" and she believed it.
She's come a long way......
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She HAS come a long way! Even understanding that passage,I'm not sure that is something that I could do. Go Lewis!!!
Love you!