Wednesday, August 5, 2009

mmmmmm. Shrimp Pasta

OK, now this shrimp recipe looks like a winner & I hope to try it one day, but in all honestly the only reason I am posting a picture of this shrimp pasta is to remind MY COUSIN NANCY to send me her recipe that we had in Monteagle. She is my only reader, I believe, so it makes sense now that I think about it to post it here because she faithfully checks this blog - unlike my younger sister who had to ASK ME what the blog address was today. Seriously? You live in Colorado. I'm not certain you even knew we had a third.......There's good information here. Fun developments in the lives of your nieces & nephew....not to mention your sister & brother in law. I mean did you see the post where he & L did canonballs? In sync? They may go pro. Did you know that? Doubt it. Check. The. Blog.

And I digress.

Now, Nancy, would you kindly email me the shrmp pasta recipe asap. Oh, and they just opened a new cupcake place near my house. Come visit & we can try it together :).

Thank you very much,


Unknown said...

I read your blog too...and make a mean shrimp pasta...and saw the cannonball pictures...

and 2 became 5 said...

well, then - i'm gonna need you to send me that recipe :)

Anonymous said...

My Gosh! Where have I been? I never go more than a day without checking in on the blog. By the way, the shrimp in the picture looks delicious. Do you have a recipe for that? I'm forwarding mine on to you pronto! And yes, we must check out the cupcake place! By the way, wonderful pictures of the children also!
Love you! Nancy

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