The reason we went to Colorado is for a Conference - it is something I look forward to every year & this location is hands down my favorite. FCCI (Fellowship of Companies for Christ International) has a sweet spirit & a gathering of people who walk such interesting paths. The fellowship is top notch & is what i enjoy most about the conference. It is encouraging to rub shoulders with & go deeper with people who truly live a life trying to surrender....not trying to impress, but just pure & simple live life well for the glory of God. People who have walked much longer than i have & have wisdom to pass down. What a gift! I'm a person drawn to the classics...i love older names & yearn for a life like our grandparents & great grandparents had.....& we are surrounded with everything trying to be bigger, better, faster.....when I just want to slow down & soak it in. My grandmother cross stitched something for me when i was little
"As you go through life, take time to smell the flowers"
- i think it is engrained in my soul. Life is too fast as it is.....let's take it all in. Precious limited time....will I be a good steward of it all??
These are some friendships that have come out of this conference. We had a blast. And it's good to be home.
Hey its Clarissa with the bags. Whats your email address? I will send you some pictures. Mine is
Hope to hear from you soon! Perfect timing for those Christmas gifts!!!!
Hey, you made it to Colorado this year, too! It's a lot differnt with kids on a Colorado trip!
Just wanted to let you know you can pay up to the day before. So if you are in town, we would love to have you. H
I'm assuming you mean Grandmama Weems's needlepointing? Remember,"The hurrier I go, the behinder I get" -- the one over her sink -- I think about that one a lot! LOVE reading your blog. I usually get way behind then catch up two or three months in a sitting. You are so special!! I love you, cousin.
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