Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
loving arms
I am ovewhelmed -I've probably said that a few times....but I am overwhelmed with joy and with gratitude. 3 precious children......I pray in those moments of frustration & exhaustion, which undoubtedly come....sometimes daily....sometimes hourly....I pray that I will be reminded of this gratitude. Because my heart is stretched farther than I thought imaginable....a whole lotta love.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
rainy day
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Trader Joe's
But the highlight sample of the day was a wheat chip with honey goat cheese.......
oh. my. goodness. My kid & I fought over scraping the little dixie cup clean with our fingers. I won & it was worth it.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
6 weeks!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
The reason we went to Colorado is for a Conference - it is something I look forward to every year & this location is hands down my favorite. FCCI (Fellowship of Companies for Christ International) has a sweet spirit & a gathering of people who walk such interesting paths. The fellowship is top notch & is what i enjoy most about the conference. It is encouraging to rub shoulders with & go deeper with people who truly live a life trying to surrender....not trying to impress, but just pure & simple live life well for the glory of God. People who have walked much longer than i have & have wisdom to pass down. What a gift! I'm a person drawn to the classics...i love older names & yearn for a life like our grandparents & great grandparents had.....& we are surrounded with everything trying to be bigger, better, faster.....when I just want to slow down & soak it in. My grandmother cross stitched something for me when i was little
"As you go through life, take time to smell the flowers"
- i think it is engrained in my soul. Life is too fast as it is.....let's take it all in. Precious limited time....will I be a good steward of it all??
These are some friendships that have come out of this conference. We had a blast. And it's good to be home.
Friday, October 10, 2008
we've been gone
Christmas Open House
Saturday, October 11th
10 am to 4 pm
711 Walnut Drive
Marietta, GA
Get a jump on your Christmas
shopping! Drop by at
your convenience!
• Uniquely personalized Burp Cloths,
Bibs, Onesies and Children’s
• Hand-painted Monogrammed
• Customized Notecards, Invitations,
Birth Announcements and
Holiday Cards
• Hand-painted Wall Art
Friday, October 3, 2008
my little cupcakes
I love our neighborhood. It is so nice to be surrounded by people you trust & want to celebrate big & little life events with each has meant the WORLD to our family as we came home with this precious new baby to be showered with meals & notes & treats & encouragement from the people living right around us. It's like having an extended family...right here. What sweet memories you have all given us. Thank you.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
that's my girl
I could post a picture of this precious angel sleeping soundly on her daddy's chest or snuggly curled up in my arms......but this, my friends, is my kid. This is my kid in the middle of the night when you are sleeping comfortably in your beds (except for you, Ashley whose kid probably looks like this at 3am). People talk about the adrenaline rush that comes when you are in pain or in harm's way - the ability to like lift a car or something. Well, there's a similar phenomenon that happens in regards to having children. There are just things that we don't accurately remember - morning sickness for me seems like such a manageable thing just days after it ends. And it's not until that 1st real contraction comes that I remember the pain of labor. And so it is with sleepless nights.....I knew they were coming, I know in my head that it's painful.....but I did not fully remember just what it was like.
And as crazy as it sounds.....I love every minute of it :).