Tuesday, May 6, 2008


My girl came with an incredible amount of energy. I have never seen anything like it, really. It's been an endearing quality until recently & now there are times when it gets a bit out of control in public settings & I find myself dizzy trying to corral it. This energy she has seems to have a mind of its own - it kind of takes over & even she can barely keep up with it.

We were at my cousins' wedding this weekend & at breakfast on Sunday her energy made an appearance. I actually caught it on film.

I would get so much more done if I had only a fraction of what's going on in that picture.


maggiemae and family said...

shut up!! i just got your comment. that is crazy that they both had their names right there!! WOW. small world. how are you feeling?

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say hi and thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to reading more here!
I also agree that half dome is crazy scary. I have done it the past four years and everytime I get to the cables i about pee my pants. H