Tuesday, September 21, 2010

working it out

In an effort to work off some of that apple pie, I went to the gym this morning....and couldn't locate the earbuds.
Ah the tragedies that I deal with on a daily basis.
Work out in an air conditioned room with a television attached to this workout contraption......in silence?
So I picked up a magazine....and I found this article.

I overdosed on Francis Chan several months back & haven't been able to listen to him for a while now....but reading this article reminded me of some of the inspiring things he has showed me.
I was just about to go on a rambling about the ways he helped me read the Bible in a new way & then I was going to say....and anyway, I'll spare you the details.

I hope you have a chance to read the article.....and I would love to hear what you think.

Monday, September 20, 2010

10 lbs heavier.....

...and I think it was worth it.
Once upon a time there was this apple pie.
I heard about this apple pie a lot.
My friend Caroline would stare off from time to time & say, "do you remember that apple pie...."
And I would remind her that I WASN'T THERE FOR THE APPLE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was envious of the people who had tasted this particular apple pie.
So when my little girl & her classmates returned from a field trip to an apple orchard with a bag full o apples....I thought it high time I tried this apple pie recipe.

And I must say......
It was worth the wait.
I saw that our little family had finished 1/2 of it soon after it came out of the oven & I thought to myself...."apple pie will make a perfect breakfast for tomorrow morning!" Healthier than other things I make for breakfast on a regular basis....pancakes with syrup??? How is that a good way to start the day? I've never understood it...and yet i feel good about myself when I put forth the effort to feed it to my family.

But instead we decided to finish it off before the sun went down.
It. was. amazing.
And we had bagels & cream cheese for breakfast.

So there it is.....my very first apple pie.
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Thursday, September 16, 2010


A friend commented on how much 2 of my kids looked alike at this age & I got nostalgic....so these are some pictures of my babies on/around their 2nd birthdays.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

she's 2. Part 1.

In spite of my best efforts to prevent it from happening...
my baby turned two.
She is growing up & I can barely handle it!
How is this happening so quickly?
She's so tiny that it really did sneak up on me. I would laugh & say, "can you believe that little thing is almost 2?!"
Not fully understanding that that meant I would no longer have a 1 year old.
This little girl is precious in so many ways.
I adore her! Yes, she is confused about her role in this family. She is certain that she is in charge. And believes with her whole heart that she should get what she wants when she wants it & she has been this way from the get-go. I remember sitting with her in the hospital - just the day after she was born.
Just me and her. Or is it her and me? If my dad is reading this he will call & let me know....& I would actually really appreciate that.
Anyway, we were sitting there when our pediatrician came in to check on us. We chatted & she was just about to leave when I mentioned that my baby didn't like to be wet or dirty....even for a moment. She would yell to be cleaned off immediately.
This hadn't happened with the 2 that came before her & I thought Dr. F could offer some insight.
"Your third isn't supposed to be like that."
And that, my friends, really is who my kid is. She really likes to let us know how she would like things and she hasn't taken the hint that we aren't following her lead....maybe because we are following her lead. Maybe there in lies the problem.

And these are just a few pictures of day 1 of celebrating this baby girl's first 2 years on this planet.

I love being her mom.

I think we're going to have tons of fun together ;).

Happy birthday little girl.
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

first days

All 3 had their first days of something these past few weeks & we don't need much reason for celebrating around here.
First days of anything warrant cake in our house -
so that's what we did.

We sat on the floor & ate too much cake.

This school year has kicked my tail so far & in all honesty, I don't have to get too many people to too many places. I think it's this new early wake time.
I don't understand why people insist on starting the day before the sun is fully risen. And as I type this, I feel like I am repeating myself. Like I have typed these same words on this here blog in the very recent past.

Well....I'm not adjusting.
And I'm not sure what to do about that.
But this is one of the reasons that you haven't heard from us in a while.
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Monday, September 6, 2010

mre later

I'm too tired from all the fun from this weekend. But I thought I would at least leave with a photo.
Will update when I am actually awake
Good night.
And Happy Labor Day!
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