Monday, February 15, 2010

the beginning.....

Our good friend Heath has found herself in Tanzania for a while now. She was there once & felt that "tug," pulling her back there. She went back & found herself as a guardian to a little girl, Neema. She actually chose to believe in the picture the Lord may be painting in her life. She gets that there is a bigger story that is not about her. So she is gathering children & putting them in homes together under the mothering of a widow, who also needs a's a win-win. These kids are safer and able to understand love & family & even get an education that may not have been possible before. The hope is that they will take the skills they learn back to their villages & help others. I'm so proud of her.
This is the beginning.
And if you want to join the story......go here to her blog where you can meet Heath & these remarkable kids. Join this story - sponsor this precious new girl who has been brought out of a horrible situation into a place of hope.

(picture borrowed from Takes A Whole Village blog)

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