Well, Thursday was Mother's day at my big girl's school. It was a blast! I felt so special....I cannot believe I got to be a part of this. They created portraits of us - that's all of us moms looking all pretty there. Mine is 3rd from the right. It's on my fridge right now - right next to the one she did for Dad's day about a month ago. We make a cute couple. They filled out those fun questionnaires about how old I am & what my favorite color is. It was sweet. And I knew it was mine about 3 questions in. She kept a great poker face, but seemed pretty psyched when I guessed it correctly. They had a nail painting station & a place to plant tomato seeds & make bracelets....all of it is such an amazing memory in my mind.
This was her showing off her nails....the room was crowded & I couldn't get far enough back to get a good shot of them, but trust me....I did a good job. The left hand is bright pink & the right hand is bright purple. You know, to match her red dress.
Happy Mother's Day!